Noon Prayer 8.2.2023

comms   -  

Mountain of Religion 


A declaration for The Crossing Church from a prophetic word given at Noon Prayer on January 4th, 2023: 

A new anointing of freedom has been released over us at The Crossing. Freedom to worship, freedom to pray, freedom to pursue the Lord unfettered, and freedom for us to become who He designed us to be. As people walk onto our campuses, the chains the enemy has wrapped around them will fall at their feet. We will be known for the anointing of freedom that flows from here. Freedom reigns in this place. Deliverances are made easy here and transformed lives are a hallmark of what the Lord is doing at The Crossing. Obstacles are being supernaturally removed from the advancement of the Kingdom through us. Advancement for The Crossing has been held up, but it was released on January 4, 2023. We are advancing the Kingdom of God here on earth as it is in heaven. 

Isaiah 43:19 (HCSB) 

19 Look, I am about to do something new; even now it is coming. Do you not see it? Indeed, I will make a way in the wilderness, rivers in the desert. 


Pray for unity at The Crossing:  

1 Corinthians 1:10 (HCSB) Now I urge you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all say the same thing, that there be no divisions among you, and that you be united with the same understanding and the same conviction. 

Psalm 133:1(NIV) How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! 

  • Pray that Holy Spirit will help us to discover/reveal and overcome all matters hindering our unity here at The Crossing. 
  • Pray that we will always choose each other over any problem or disagreement that may arise.  
  • We declare that as we unite as one, we will see a harvest of souls come to know Jesus here and across the Tampa Bay region. 
  • We declare that we are a people that are not easily offended, and forgiveness is easy for us. We choose to forgive each other of all offenses. 

Repent of all idolatry: the worship of a physical object as a god; immoderate attachment or devotion to something. (1Corinthians 10:14, Deuteronomy 8:19) 

  • Pray that the Lord will reveal any idolatry in our personal lives and then ask for forgiveness. 
  • Pray that The Crossing Church and every church family in the Tampa Bay region be filled with true worshipers of the Lord. 
  • Pray that our hearts will not be stuck in old wine skins or locked in traditions but that we will be open to whatever the Holy Spirit wants to do. (Jeremiah 2:13) 
  • Pray that the Holy Spirit will move in us and all believers in this region like never before, causing the mountain of religion to shake and its dark forces to be displaced. 
  • Pray against the spirit of mockery, Nehemiah 2:19 (HCSB) When Sanballat the Horonite, Tobiah the Ammonite official, and Geshem the Arab heard [about this], they mocked and despised us… 

Pray for true worshipers to arise at The Crossing:  

True worshipers have been given authority to displace every enemy from the top of this mountain, “so the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations” (Isaiah 61:11) 

John 4:23-24 (HCSB) But an hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth. Yes, the Father wants such people to worship Him. 24 God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth. 

  • Pray that human reasoning that creates a type of Christianity that is the form of godliness but denies its power will be displaced in our people. 
  • Pray that we will not be image driven or performance driven and steeped in pride. 
  • Pray that we begin to worship with a new freedom and more passion. 
  • Pray for a fresh anointing to fall on us and every believer in this region. 
  • Pray for a baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire (Luke 3:16).