Our Care Ministry meets the spiritual and natural needs of the church congregation as they face life's challenges and celebrations. During life's good and sometimes difficult times, our hope is to come alongside of you, to assist, to restore, and encourage you with the love of Jesus Christ.
We are here to make sure that everyone who belongs to our Church Family is cared for in the event of a physical, financial, emotional, or spiritual crisis.
Please fill out the form below and we will get back to you soon.
Grief Share is for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. It is a 13-week support group that allows people to walk alongside you to find healing and hope through community.
This Grief Share group will be in a small group setting at our Plant City Campus in the Life Center, in Ruskin at one of our facilitator’s homes on Thursdays from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm with a Tampa location to be determined. The cost for the group and materials is $25.50 which includes the required book which you will receive on the night of your first group.
Our current group began on February 6th & you can join in until the last class taking place on May 1st.
Care Ministries can guide individuals to discover Christ-centered answers for a wide range of life events that include; marital, personal, or relationship challenges, loss of a loved one, financial problems or other life events. If you would like to schedule an appointment, please fill out the Biblical Encouragement Questionnaire below.