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Online Giving
Alternate Ways to Give
Looking to give In-Person rather than Online or through the App? Here are some alternate ways to give.
Black Box
You can find Black Boxes located at the back of the auditorium for check or cash giving. Giving envelops are available in the seat back pocket.
Mail In
Check or cash giving can be mailed to our Main Church Office at: 10130 Tuscany Ridge Dr. Tampa, FL 33619. Please include your campus or vision fund in the memo.
Stories of God's Faithfulness
Take a moment to watch Cole’s story about trusting in God for resources and how it played out in his life in a new and unexpected way.
Check out Keith’s story about God stretching his faith and how resources and healing entered his family’s lives shortly after.
If you have any questions about your giving, please email giving@crossingonline.org