90 Day Tithe Challenge
March 9 - June 21
Morning Services at 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM
Join us this weekend for an in-person gathering. Each week we come together to sing worship songs, listen to a Biblical message from one of our Teaching Pastors, and enjoy community.
Wednesdays at 7:00 PM
Join us every Wednesday for a time of prayer and worship as we press into one of the 7 Mountains of Influence. You don't want to miss this midweek time of intercession.
The First Wednesdays of each month at 7:00 PM
A once a month service where we come together to worship, pray, and hear a special message. This is a service you don't want to miss!
We are located right off of W Renfro Street, you can’t miss us!
507 S Wheeler St, Plant City, FL 33563
Our services generally last for an hour and a half. Wear whatever makes you feel comfortable. We have worship, prayer, bible, and teaching. Our hope is that you would feel loved and accepted as you are.
We love kids! Our kid’s church gatherings are small and laid back, and full of fun! We teach from the Bible at a kids level that is easy to understand and collaborative. Don’t be surprised if your kids start begging you to bring them back every week.
Services at The Crossing are about 1.5 hours in length. Services begin with our worship band leading the church in music – song lyrics are projected onto the screens so you can sing along and/or engage with worship! After the worship portion of service is complete, one of our pastors will come out to share a bible based, encouraging, and hope-filled message!
Birth through fifth-grade Children’s Ministry is available at all services.
Come as you are! Service at The Crossing is relaxed and casual.
Not at this campus. Sign language is only available at our Tampa Campus.