Pray believers called to this mountain will overcome darkness with the Light. 2 Corinthians 4:6
Pray God’s servants in arts and entertainment will walk in integrity, humility, faithfulness, righteousness; that they will be filled with knowledge, wisdom, and understanding that comes from God.
Pray this mountain will produce entertainment that displays godly lifestyles, behaviors, and values.
Pray God will enable and position musicians who will play skillfully in a broad spectrum of settings (Psalm33:3) yet not compromising their Christian views.
Pray God will raise up designers and artisans who are filled with the spirit of God, skilled and knowledgeable about all kinds of crafts, and able to teach others (Exodus 35:30-36:1).
Pray God would release resources to His artists who will faithfully produce work that brings glory to Him.
Renounce corruption within this mountain.
Pray believers will actively support Christ-honoring entertainment.
Pray as believers, young and old and parents, that we will protect what we allow our eyes to see, that we will not watch things that are morally perverse, honor the occult. That God would give us the discernment to turn programs off or stop listening to certain music.
Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, 2 for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. 3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 1 Timothy 2:1-3
Pray for our president, that just as the King’s heart is in the Lord hands, and He can turn it which way He wants. (Proverbs 21:1)
Pray that God directs and leads our president, pray that God draws our president to know Him.
Pray for godly counsel to surround our president.
Pray for our members of Congress, both in the Senate and the House of Representatives. Pray God Reveals Himself to them and bring them closer to you.
Pray for our governors and our state legislatures. Please give strength and wisdom to them and guide their decisions
Prayer for Our Governor Ron Desantis, for protection, wisdom, that God would reveal Himself to Him.
While praying for those who are already in authority, we must also pray for more godly men and women to rise and take their place in positions within government across our nation. “When the godly are in authority, the people rejoice” (Proverbs 29:2). Pray for believers who God has chosen will heed the call and run for office. Pray that they will be elected even against strong opposition.
Pray God will position people in the sphere of government who love justice and hate injustice so that it will be evident to all people why our nation and others like it are blessed (Isaiah 61:8-9).
Thank God and ask Him for men and women in the arena of government who, like King Solomon, have great wisdom and knowledge and by their wisdom and favor release blessings on their people (2 Chronicles 1:12).
Pray against the spirit of deception, manipulation, and confusion and that there would be an arising of media outlets that produce truth with integrity, without exaggerating the facts.
Pray that fake and deceptive news will be exposed. (Matthew 10:26)
Pray, for our own hearts and the body of Christ, that we grow in discernment and wisdom, that we are not tossed to and fro, by outside voices and influences through the media. That we become steadfast, unwavering.
Pray that God will make His believers who are positioned on the media mountain, bold, fearless and unashamed of the gospel (Jeremiah 1:10; Romans 1:16). Pray that God will raise them up into positions of greater influence and favor.
Pray God will call men and women to the sphere of media who will report the truth with integrity.
Pray God’s people in the arena of media will be aware that the power of life and death are in the tongue, and they will not use their words carelessly but use their tongues to bring forth life (Proverbs 18:21; Matthew 12:37).
Pray that God will provide resources and greater influence too Godly media outlets, pray that believers will support these media outlets.
Pray God will position people within the media who will use their tongue to build up and not tear down.
Pray the Holy Spirit will stir up a passion for the Word within every person on the mountain.
Pray believers on the Mountain of religion will have a strong presence upon the other six mountains.
Pray God’s servants will be able to present the fullness of His message; reveal the secrets of His kingdom and the mystery of Jesus Christ dwelling in us; possess wisdom and energy to teach, admonish, and instruct God’s people so they may be presented perfect to Christ (Colossians 1:24-25).
Pray God will release apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers to prepare God’s people for works of service. (Ephesians 4:11)
Pray God will use those ministers to speak the truth in love so we will, in all things, grow up into Him, who is the Head, that is, Christ. (Ephesians 4:25)
Pray for Pastor Greg, executive team, pastors, staff, and elders of the Crossing Church, for protection, refreshing, strength. Pray for revelation from God’s word.
Pray that every believer would discover and stir up the gifts of the Holy Spirit that is in them, to be used in every mountain they are called to influence. (2 Timothy 1:6)
Pray the whole body of Christ will be joined and held together; that it will grow and build itself up in love, as each part does its work (Ephesians 4:10-16).
Pray God will send those who are willing and able to go and preach the Good News to all nations, even the ends of the earth (Matthew 24:14; Romans 10:14-17).
Pray God will call and mobilize men and women who walk in the spirit of the sovereign LORD; who are anointed to preach good news to the poor; who are willing to be sent to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives, and release prisoners from darkness. (Isaiah 61)
This sphere of society includes teachers, administrators, coaches, staff, and volunteers at all levels of education from preschool thru graduate levels.
Pray for Hillsborough School Board:
Addison Davis (Superintendent) / Nadia Combs (Board Chair) / Stacy Hahn
Jessica Vaughn / Melissa Snively / Henry “Shake” Washington, Board Vice Chair
Karen Perez I Lynn Gray
Pray that men and women that love God and know His voice, that God will promote them into leadership positions in elementary, middle/high school, colleges, universities, and boards of education.
Pray God will give His educators wisdom, favor, and ability to influence.
Pray God will bring into position student leaders within student bodies, who are like Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego-filled with wisdom and understanding because they know their God and understand the principles of His kingdom (Daniel 1).
Pray for boldness and courage over teachers, to not shrink back and hide that they are a Christian. But as they allow Christ to be known through there life, it will draw students and fellow teachers to Christ and opportunity to share the gospel.
Pray for the schools in your local area, the principals, teachers, and students, pray for protection. declare no weapon formed against them will prosper. Pray for those who are not saved that God will encounter them and draw them to repentance.
Pray that God would inspire godly teachers with creative ways of sharing the gospel in their classroom.
Pray against the spirit of perversion that is twisting the truth within academic curriculum and social issues/sexuality teachings all throughout primary, secondary, and university levels.
Pray for children and young people who are believers, that God will give them boldness to declare their faith and give them favor to begin bible studies within their schools. Pray they will not compromise, and that God will deliver them from every temptation of the evil one. Pray they are united with other believers.
Thank God for mothers and fathers who have a relationship with God, enabling them to love their children and teach with wisdom, knowledge and understanding that come from knowing God.
Pray that marriage between one man and one woman will remain the foundation of the family unit and pray against every demonic attempt to change the very meaning of the word marriage will not be able to prosper. (Genesis 2:24)
Pray for the restoration of marriages, this involves healing in marriages that have been fractured by affairs, alcoholism, pornography, drug addictions, pray for God’s intervention/deliverance where abuse and violence is prevalent.
Pray that the family mountain will stand for life, that we will defend the unborn, and that we will remain pro-life.
Pray God will give mothers and fathers the language of those instructed by God so they may speak with wisdom into their children’s lives; know how to sustain their children with comforting words when they are weary; be able to teach their children how to be instructed by the Lord (Isaiah 50:4).
Pray parents will be filled with God’s Spirit and model a relationship with the Holy Spirit even as Jesus modeled that relationship for us.
Pray husbands will love their wives as Christ loves the church. (Ephesians 5:23). Pray wives will respect, honor, and submit to their husbands (Ephesians 5: 22, 33, Colossians 3:18)
Pray for single parents that they have to strength, wisdom, support that they need to raise their children in the ways of God.
Pray for widows that have lost their spouse that they would find comfort, strength, and peace. Pray for singles desiring marriage that they would find their spouse.
Pray for blended families, that God will give parents and children the grace, love, and wisdom as they build unity within their family.
This sphere of society includes the sciences, medicine, retail, service, managerial, the restaurant industry, etc.
Pray God’s servants in the marketplace will walk in integrity, humility, faithfulness, and righteousness.
Pray God’s servants in the marketplace will use honest scales and measurements when dealing with customers, clients, and suppliers (Leviticus 19:36; Proverbs 11:1).
Pray God’s servants will honor the LORD with their wealth, with the first fruits of all their crops so their barns will be filled to overflowing, and their vats will brim over with new wine (Proverbs 3:9-10).
Pray God’s servants will seek to build God’s kingdom first and foremost, seeking to walk in God’s righteousness so everything he/she needs, will be provided (Matthew 6:33).
Pray God will keep His sons and daughters free from the love of money. Pray God will help them to be content and fulfilled by the knowledge of His presence in their lives (1Timothy 6:6-10; Hebrew13:5).
Pray leaders on the Business Mountain will not be concerned only about the bottom line but will have compassion for those affected by their leadership.
Pray for all believers in the Business Mountain to have a burden for unsaved leaders or co-workers so they will pray for them consistently, pray that God will give them favor in their workplaces to share the gospel. Pray they are also connected with other believers in their organization.
Pray for believers in the Business Mountain that are feeling discouraged, oppressed, that they don’t have a voice. Pray that God will strengthen them, empower them in their place of influence, and give them strategy and direction.
Pray for believers that the gifts of the spirit will operate through them, pray they will stir the gifts up in them, pray against a spirit of fear. (1 Corinthians 12:8-10)