Created for Content | Week 1 | Invading Mountains Series

7 Spheres of Influence on Culture – Arts & Entertainment, Government, Media, Religion, Education, Family, and Business

  1. Introduction to Media and Its Influence
    • Media, in broad terms, refers to various means of communication that influence people and shape cultures. 
    • Ephesians 2:2
    • Back in the 1920s and 1930s, as the radio was first being used to broadcast the gospel, many church leaders of the day opposed the idea of sharing the Gospel over the radio. They thought that any attempt to preach over the airwaves was doomed to fail because it would be “operating in the very realm in which Satan is supreme. Is he not ‘the prince of the power of the air’?”
    • Ephesians 1:21
    • Four things we know about Satan’s role as the prince of the power of the air:
      1. The Spirit realm is invisible but operates in the tangible atmosphere.
      2. If you’re in the atmosphere, then you’re going to be under attack. (Ephesians 6:16 – flaming arrows)
      3. You will need the armor of God daily.
      4. Christ is above all. Satan is on a leash.
  • Historical examples of media influence on culture and belief systems.
    1. Sylvester Stallone – Ali vs Wepner broadcast – wrote Rocky
    2. Dr. Mae Jemison, the first African American woman in space, was inspired by the character Lieutenant Uhura in “Star Trek”.
    3. The famous skateboarder Tony Hawk was inspired by the hoverboard scenes in “Back to the Future Part II”. He became the greatest innovator and made the sport international.
    4. Einstein credits Mozart’s music for inspiring his contributions to physics, including his theories of relativity.
    5. Alexander the Great was profoundly influenced by Homer’s epic poem, the Iliad. He was known to carry a copy of the text with him on his military campaigns and modeled his life after the main character, Achilles.
    6. Julius Caesar was moved to tears by a statue of Alexander the Great, reflecting on his own achievements—or lack thereof—at a similar age. It inspired Caesar to pursue his own series of military campaigns and political reforms, ultimately changing the course of the entire world.
  1. Biblical Foundations for Engagement in Media
    • Matthew 5:13-16: 13 “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by people.14 “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; 15 nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. 16 Your light must shine before people in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.
      1. The environment is primed for a huge impact.
        • If disciples are the salt (preservation) then the world is in decay/corruption.
          • Hygroscopic: Salt can absorb moisture from the environment. If the salt absorbed too much moisture, especially in a humid climate like that of Galilee, it could dilute the saltiness, leaving behind the impurities. This rendered it ineffective as a preservative. 
          • Salt that had lost its flavor was not just useless; it was often thrown out onto pathways or roads. This was practical as it kept paths dry and hardened the soil, preventing erosion and making the path less muddy.
        • If disciples are the light then the world is in darkness.
      1. “You are” – The call has been given
        • Disciples can not exist in hiding. 
        • Testimony of a high school friend nearly choking when she heard I was a pastor.
        • The world longs for light. *Cave story
      1. “that they may see your good works” – that they may see your complaints/ sarcasm/ insults /protests/animosity/unforgiveness
        • “The preacher should either speak in God’s name or hold his tongue. My brother, if the Lord has not sent you with a message, go to bed, or to school, or mind your farm; for what does it matter what you have to say of your own? If heaven has given you a message, speak it out as he ought to speak who is called to be the mouth of God.” – Spurgeon
  1. Strategies for Effective Christian Engagement in Media
    • Practical tips for creating impactful content.
      1. Prayer – Pray for Holy Spirit to guide your efforts and bless the recipients.
      2. Openness – Be transparent and honest
      3. Share – Share things that bring life and hope. Make sure everything lines up with scripture to see if it represents the nature of Christ.
      4. Transform – Include a call to take a step toward Christ whenever possible.
  1. Ways to engage
    • Prayer for media influencers to encounter Jesus.
    • Content creation: the creation and sharing of truthful, engaging, and transformative content.
      1. A friend loves to sing so he decided to set up a mic and keyboard on the street and start worshipping, which led to pray for people as they walked by.
      2. A woman who began by singing worship on her livestream. People began to share it and she recently was invited to sing worship in Time Square before a couple hundred thousand people.
    • Media literacy: Self-controlled consumption of media that opposes Godliness, understanding both overt messages and underlying worldviews.
    • Engagement: Find ways to serve the sphere of media through your gifts and talents.
      1. 2020 shut businesses down. What can I do to serve my city? Then God gave me the idea to begin promoting the businesses that are in my city.
      2. A friend of mine lives on an island that was devastated by the storm. He took some damage but was one of the only houses that went basically untouched. He posted an open invite with his address to anyone in that area who needs a shower, a phone, a nap, a meal, a boat ride to their home, or a place to park their car.

2 Corinthians 4:1-6

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